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Withdrawl from Lexapro

From: CB
Date: 29/02/04
Time: 02:13:03
Remote Name:


I have been on Lexapro for 6 months now and feel it's time to come off of them. I think I can handle my emotions but after reading the withdrawl symptons it sounds scarry. I don't like the weight gain or the slight hair loss, but feeling better is great.

I jsut feel it's time to stop, start weaning myself off with the help of my doctor. Does these withdrawl symptons interfer with your job, driving, regualr household chores? Are there the "hot flashes" type of feelings? Dry heaves? Just want to know what I can expect.

Good luck to those going through it. At least I know I won't be alone doing this!

Last changed: May 10, 2004