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Lexapro Withdrawls (Response to DRD)

From: SDR
Date: 27/02/04
Time: 08:40:09
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I've been on Lexapro for 6 mts. and have been off it now for 2 wks. I am also feeling the same Lexapro withdrawl symtoms as DRD - nausea and the electric shock feeling in my brain. Insomnia has been a part of my life for many years, so that's "normal" for me. But in addition to the nauseau, I also have had aches on my back and neck. And yes, the worst feeling is the electric shock in the brain. I get it every time throughout the days ecspecially when I move my eyes rapidly as well. What's also wiered is as the electric shock feeling occurs, I hear a "click, click, click".

DRD, I'm glad I'm not experiencing this alone. I was scared about the way my body has been feeling, but I'm glad I found you here and that this is a withdrawl from the prescription. I thought I may have to see the doctor for possible serious illness. I will be doing more research on this issue because I want to know how much longer I/we have to go through this till it finally goes away. Please let me know if you find out anything else and your progress.

By the way, kudos to having complete control of your emotions. I'm somewhat handling it okay, but the symptoms are unbearable. The reason I decided to quit Lexapro is because I gained 10-12 lbs., drowsiness, oversleep, and lack of motivation. I used to be very active, thin, physcially attractive (body-wise) and had a great sex drive. That all dwindled while on Lexapro and now I feel fat, flabby, unattractive, and lost my sexual appetite. So I WILL HAVE TO try to control my emotions to get ME back! I loved the way I looked and felt before Lexapro. It's just the matter of controlling my emotions and have a healthy balance, both physically and mentally.

Good luck to you and others who are going through the withdrawl process. Wish me luck too!

Last changed: June 24, 2004