5.3 YES, a true and fair view?

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To Marcia

From: Gerry
Date: 01/02/04
Time: 23:02:13
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Hi - My experience has been that, if I reduced then stopped, I had a similar situation to you. I reduced the dose but also extended the time between doses, over a few months, gradually getting to a point where I went from half a tablet to a quarter. Extending the time between taking the dose gradually increased before I got the side effects. I got to a point where I could go 120 hours (yes, I measured it in hours) between taking just a quarter of a tablet. I did this a few times and now, I'm at the stage where I have gone for much longer and have had no major side effects. I think I may actually be able to stop now. A doctor who seemed (unlike most) to know what he was talking about, said that this was the only way to get off any SSRI, i.e. reduce the dose and extend the time. Hope this helps - like you, I needed some sanity back and, after months, it's back !! Don't give in, just change the way you withdraw.

Last changed: March 28, 2004