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RE: Cause/Cure Anxiety and Depression

From: Kaylie
Date: 18/01/04
Time: 04:47:24
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I agree that using anti-depressants should be the last route used before exhausting all other treatment options.

I've been using L-Tyrosine (with Vitamin B6 for absorption), and SamE (not at the same time), exercising daily and meditation to help alleviate my depression and anxiety and I would say that I feel at least 95% better. I've used Lexapro, Wellbutrin, Prozac, Celexa and a range of other SSRI's and MAOI's, and all they did was make me groggy, sick and produced withdrawal symptoms upon discontinuation. I will NEVER go back to using meds to treat depression again.

Dr. Slagle has some natural remedies to help alleviate depression - http://www.thewayup.com/products/0094.htm has some information on it. I guarantee I don't work for the company -- you could possibly find the same products at lower prices on another site or at the health food store, but the information is what is so pertinent here.

The combination of amino acids (L-Tyrosine in particular), Vitamins/Minerals, eating healthily and exercise has a profound effect on your mood, and works SO much better than any pharmaceutical can, IMHO (want to stress this is just my opinion).

It takes a little time and dedication, but your health is more than worth that time. I feel so much better when I'm doing the right things for my body. Juicing fresh carrots, beets, spinach (fresh), apples, parsley, etc., also gives you a burst of energy while helping you repair damage done to your system from the meds ingested.

Take good care. :)


Last changed: March 28, 2004