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From: Jesse
Date: 14/01/04
Time: 18:38:52
Remote Name:


You should all try taking the supplement, SAM-e. It's really really amazing. Gradually increase your dose of sam-e from 600mg to 1200mg a day while descreasing meds over a couple weeks. It's very very important that you take it on an empty stomach and that you take a reputable brand. Try Nutralife. It's the best I've found. Split the dose between morning and afternoon and take it on an empty stomach. It literally saved my life. It's natural, safe, and I haven't seen any side effects in my three years of on and off use. The best place to get it is www.bettersam-e.com or you can go to nutralife's corporate website, but it's more expensive.

I would recommend it to anyone.

Last changed: March 28, 2004