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Stopped Citalopram(cipramil)Now on Serzone(nefazodone)

From: Worried mother of 3
Date: 14/01/04
Time: 12:59:36
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I have been on Cipramil for about 4 years. They certainly helped me but towards the end of last year I had a great deal of stress and felt like they were not helping anymore. My doctor increased my dosage twice but once on 60mg I felt awful not in control of things. Then my doctor decided to try serzone(nefazodone)said I would need to have my liver functions monitored. Coming off the cipramil was awful, done slowly over a few weeks, I totally cracked up.Thought it was me. Started the serzone and I am now on 600mg day, 4 night 2 morning. I do not feel a lot better, still get feelings of anger/fustration and overwhelming panic(I have been on them not for almost a month. I have read distrubing things about serzone and your liver, I see my doctor next week and will show him, but where to from here and the thought of stopping again and the effects and something new are frightening. Any suggestions please.........

Last changed: March 28, 2004