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Effexor withdrawal - a reply

From: Niki C
Date: 12/01/04
Time: 13:43:44
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I had the eye-movement feeling sick etc for about 6 weeks after I finished reducing my dose to zero. It can leave you unable to leave your bed, but if you have already left that stage you are on your way to getting back to normal. the brain zaps faded more quickly than the nausea with me, but having read a lot of the other postings here, it seems different for everyone. I was lucky, my new doctor had researched in to the side effects so was very supportive, whereas my old doctor hadn't. it might be worth providing your doctor with a few web sites/ mail/chat room details so they can read peoples experiences for themselves. I don't think anyone can sympathise with the ferocity of some of the withdrawal symptoms unless they have been in our position, but it's a start if they can read testimonials for themselves. I think that is the only true way of stopping them prescribing it to other people and sending people to work who are in no fit state to make decisions their comapnies rely on!

I'm off my soap box now, but I find it really irritating (that's putting it mildly) that many doctors think that it's all an exaggeration!

My only advice, if you are coming off effexor, is to persevere. I managed it on my second try and it was hell. I never thought I'd make it but I have, and so can you. Good luck.

Last changed: March 28, 2004