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efexor, breakfast of champions

From: swallow
Date: 06/01/04
Time: 10:30:09
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Taking 3 pills and then quiting won't do. Efexor, like most anxiety regulators, has an 'incubation period' of two to four weeks. After this period, changes in mood and/or behaviour should take effect. The first days nauseau, sweating, insomnia and a general feeling of unrest can occur. If so, they will disappear after a day or two. Of course the withdrawal symptoms are harsh. That's why you should consult your doctor BEFORE deciding to quit. He would have told you to decrease the dosage gradually. Efexor may or may not be the thing for you, but in my experience it sure is a hell of a lot better than curling up in bed crying your eyes out and being too afraid of demotivated to do anything or see anyone. Good luck & keep on poppin' :P

Last changed: March 28, 2004