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Effexor side Effects

From: [email protected]
Date: 29/12/03
Time: 13:40:51
Remote Name:


I have been taking Effexor for over a year now. I just learned alot of the problems i have been experiencing could be side effects. Dizziness, vertigo, confussion, slowed thinking, nightmares, ICTHING/hives, it can bring on mania, irritablity, and now i am getting up in the middle of the night to puke. I've had enough with pills that make me feel like i am not myself. I want healing for my mind, body and spirit. I must talk with out people about this. I feel let down by the doctors, the hospitals, the whole system. I talk to a doc for 10 mins and she gives me pills. No conseling. What is she just guessing which head pills gonna work on me?

Last changed: March 28, 2004