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Aropax Withdrawals

From: Carron - [email protected]
Date: 26/11/03
Time: 02:48:46
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Well, I am angry now more than ever.

Three years ago my doctor handed me my prescription for Aropax, after I was totally desperate for a solution, having been depressed and suffering panic attacks, and suicidal tendencies all my life. He told me that I didn't need to worry, I could stay on Aropax my whole life, there were no bad side-effects and they were totally non addictive, I could come off them any time.

Now, 3 years later, I have decided to finally come off them. I've had some serious events which have prohibited my rehabilitation, but am now emotionally and mentally strong enough with a solid support system to come off them.

So, I've started reading, making sure I do it the right way. My doctor tells me to wean myself off them, slowly, over a monthly period.

Here's why I am angry. In 3 years I have gained 20kgs, I haven't cried, haven't laugh out loud, haven't dreamed or gotten excited about anything. I've been numb. Granted it was great to feel nothing for a while and during the past year, but it's not the way to live.

I have recently started working for a Natural Therapies Magazine, and have been researching the drug Aropax, it's side effects, withdrawals. And more and more, I'm angry, I just want to go cold turkey, but know that I would probably die if I did. I want OFF this drug NOW. It's taken my mind and I'm furious - especially with all of the knowledge I have now accumulated never having been told to me. "It's safe", "Non addictive" - what a load of crock.

I wanted to know if there is anyone out there who has totally come out of the woods. If there are success stories to coming off this drug? I've heard many stories of people trying to, but has anybody actually done it and come clean and clear out on the other end.

I'm thinking of writing a story for our magazine. If anyone has any information about their own personal experiences and wishes to have them published, please email me. I need all the information I can get. Names will be confidential of course. I'm just a little sick and tired of Pharmaceutical giants thinking that the general population are guinea pigs and will just absorb the bull that they dish out.

I know I'm in for a battle - the fight of my life - it's only day two. I'm on 20mgs a day now, one day 20 one day 40. 40mgs was my normal dosage. After seeing my doctor after 3 months and saying I was still depressed, he told me to double my dose - nice! I also feel it is quite obscene that my Doctor has not once seen me since - his nurse gets my scripts and faxes them to the pharmacy. No follow up - nothing. When I told him about my side effects he dismissed them and said that they would go away, or that it wasn't that bad to deal with.

Sorry, venting a bit here. At least after just 2 days, I'm getting some emotion back. Feels good to FEEL.

All responses appreciated.


Last changed: November 26, 2003