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Effexor withdrawal

From: Mary Rose
Date: 18/11/03
Time: 01:30:02
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My doctor has told me that the withdrawal myself and everyone else is experiencing, after the drug has left the body, is 'all in my head'. I'm making it up, he says because there's no way the drug could affect me after it has left my body. Jesus Christ, no wonder people in this God-forsaken society are jumping off buildings. With these kinds of physicians 'helping' us, where the hell are we supposed to turn for real help? I feel completely trapped by this drug. I've tried getting off of it SLOWLY three times, but every time, the effects of it, after it has been 'out of my system' are too horrific to bear. I'm a single mother, and having the kinds of thoughts that this withdrawal gives me are ones I cannot afford to have. I'm completely at wits end. I feel more depressed by the entrapment of these freaking drugs than by anything else.

Last changed: November 19, 2003