5.3 YES, a true and fair view?

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To Mulli3292

From: Gerry
Date: 12/11/03
Time: 11:18:51
Remote Name:


Hi, you sound as if you may have come off this drug too abruptly as these are fairly classic symptoms, unfortunately, and they seem to affect some people worse than others. The fact that doctors have no idea of how to assist people to withdraw is one of the other problems. You may have to take a reduced dosage, over a period of weeks, and gradually wean yourself off them. If you've done this and still have these symptoms, it may well be that you didn't reduce the dosage over a long enough period of time. It may also be useful to talk to your doctor about using liquid Prozac as a means of withdrawal. If he / she doesn't know about using this then find a doctor who does, that's the hard part, finding a doctor who doesn't treat you like some lower life form who knows nothing. There is light at the end of the tunnel, believe me - and it's NOT a train coming !! :)

Last changed: November 19, 2003