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paroxitine my experience

From: michael lake email [email protected]
Date: 27/10/03
Time: 23:35:56
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please take the time to read this,i remember the first time i was put on peroxitine, i was 20 and looked on the web site and found all these horror stories, please do not mock my spelling as i am quite drunk, any way i was prescribe the drug as i was suffering from major panic attacks or what ever you want to call them most of the time i passed out and woke up to see my mother cring and asking what wa wrong, i had served time in kosovo with the british army and seen things that to this day make me cry, but some times its not the majour things that get you down its a number of minor things that you let build up then it exploids, i can still remember. i was on 30mg of seroxat for depression and anxsiaty, i felt all the things in my head, i used to take e before going clubbing and it was like a minor feeling of that, it was not until i had been on the drug for two months that i leartn the horroe storys, at the end of the day its your brain which is your bodys computer that drs are trying to mess with, now ive heared the problems peopole have with getting off it and i believe, but i have leart that your mind is stronger then your body, if you can understand, i have learnt ways to deal with all kinds of pressure i hope this gets peoples attention and they ask me for help then i have done my job and that was my reason for being on the drug, i reacently met a physicatrist who him self a dr in his field could not believe i came off 30mg cold turkey with no side efects touch wood. please e mail me, [email protected], some times its not the drug with drawlal its if your minds ready for it and i can show you how, i want to get up on a stage abd show the world let me help, you hear bad things about the drug, i think that it saved my life for a month then i learened that the brain is more powerful then any drug, please dont feel alone because your not peace

Last changed: November 19, 2003