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withdrawl hurdles

From: bianca
Date: 27/10/03
Time: 20:02:36
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hi all. Clarinda thanks for the note. Having an awful morning and that really picked me up a notch.Different things work for different people and i hope that the spiralina is right for you. I know i just feel better knowing that i am only putting natural things in my body. Wouldn't it be great to be able to attain the happiness you did on medication and maintain that without any help from synthetic drugs. I am glad you have found some good support. As for the weight, I found mine just slowly came off - partly because of the depression i experienced as i withdrew but also because i felt more like my old self as time went by and wanted to exercise and go out again. I hope you are finding yourself again too. Keep up the great work. x b

Last changed: November 19, 2003