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Constituents of Cipramil

From: Gerry
Date: 06/10/03
Time: 23:36:22
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I'm not going to go on at length here.Since starting to follow this forum I have investigated more and found that there are thousands and thousands of sufferers from the side effects of this and other similar drugs. One thing I suggest people do is look, individually, at the constituents of Cipramil. If you do a search on each chemical, and their side effects, the results will amaze you, as well as make you wonder why they're in these tablets - titanium dioxide, for instance, which is common in a few (many ) SSRIs is actually used to treat plastic sheets to make them opaque ! I realise that there are people that this drug helps, but, when they try to get off it is when things can get ugly. Public awareness and the education of GPs in the prescribing of these drugs is a must I believe, as well as pressure groups to get something done. As far as I can see, whatever anyone says, long term negative effects can be permanent in some cases. It's little wonder the drug companies deny all the negatives, after all, spending $42 million dollars advertising and promoting Cipramil isn't something that is going to suddenly make them come clean with the general or medical public after such an investment.

Last changed: November 19, 2003