5.3 YES, a true and fair view?

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From: Andy
Date: 05/10/03
Time: 11:53:47
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I took my last Efexor capsule last week and the withdrawal symptoms have been absolute hell. I've had a complete lack of energy, it's a struggle to get out of the house, I get out of breath just making the bed, I feel dizzy (like the room is spinning around me), I get nightmares about violence and death, I get nausea, I feel tearful, and I have a lack of concentration. You can't even escape the withdrawal symptoms when you're sleeping. The nightmares are very vivid and disturbing. It annoys me that the drugs companies continue to say that they are not addictive. The Efexor patient leaflet says, "these symptoms are generally non serious and disappear within a few days". I wonder what cretin wrote that. These people simply do not care about the safety of the poisons they are selling us. My advice to people is to always think twice about poisoning your mind with anti-depressants and try to find safer alternatives.

Last changed: November 19, 2003