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To Mac & DK

From: Gerry ([email protected])
Date: 26/09/03
Time: 22:39:03
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Reading both of your posts, I find both some comfort in the fact that mutual support (through forums like this) can help a lot and also a sadness that so many people seem affected by the use of this drug in a negative way. In your case DK, stopping abruptly is not good, levels of the drug in your brain have reached a level that it now expects, lack of it then causes a sharp drop, with a consequent possible severe depressive reaction. This is what I have both been told and read. Reducing the dose, gradually, is a far better way to stop. As I mentioned, I had got down to half a tablet every other day, as they're too small to break into quarters and that was enough to keep the dizzy spells etc at bay. Obviously the choice is yours but it may have a sudden effect on your frame of mind. MAc, it seems to me, unqualified as I am, that 60mg is a very high dose. I know everyone is different etc but, even so, it still seems very high. A doctor did tell me that your brain builds a tolerance, thereby meaning that long term higher dosage has less effect over time. Increasing it may give a slight improvement or, it may just heighten the side effects - as it seems to have done in your case. I know that, if I took that much (60mg) I think I'd be sleeping most of the day ! Somewhere, there has to be some means of treating the cause and not the symptoms - for any of us. Is that not the case ? Or, am I just being too fanciful ? I really hope not.

Last changed: September 26, 2003