5.3 YES, a true and fair view?

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From: Mac
Date: 26/09/03
Time: 12:52:24
Remote Name:


I came off Cipramil 40-30-20-10ml three months ago but had to return to them 40mg then 60mg last month and I too have found that lethargy and sleep is now a big negative in my life.I felt better last year on a regular dose of 40mg per day,but returning to this drug has not given me the same "good" results as I had before. Is it because my brain is not being "shocked" into accepting it and side effects are now more prevalent? I too want to get off Cipramil and any other drug but where to go from here?? I sometimes think the depression is more acceptable than the side effects but my wife would not agree !! Good Health Mac

Last changed: September 26, 2003