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Venlafaxine withdrawal

From: Nathalie
Date: 22/09/03
Time: 12:45:41
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I am currently experiencing what I have come to recognise, through extensive scouring of the internet, as venlafaxine withdrawal syndrome. I have all the flu-like symptoms described - dizziness, nausea, a feeling of everything being 'surreal', tearfulness, a lack of physical and emotional control etc. I have been taking venlafaxine for a few years for the treatment of OCD, and have been treated with a vide variety of doses ranging up to as much as 600mg/per day. I have been recently instructed by a new psychiatrist to discontinue my current dose of venlafaxine at 150 mg/per day because its effects are minimal and to introduce 'risperdal' instead. However, three days ago, I came off venlafaxine completely at a tapered dose of 75 mg/per day and have been suffering ever since. Is anyone able to tell me how long I am likely to experience these withdrawal symptoms if I continue to 'ride them out' as I have been doing? In many ways, these so called cures (drugs) are worse than the disorders themselves. I want to keep going because my reasoning is that these malignant symptoms can only improve over time. Is this true in the majority of cases?

Last changed: September 22, 2003