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celexa withdrawals...confusion, dizziness, nausea, & horrible headaches

From: [email protected]
Date: 18/09/03
Time: 18:06:54
Remote Name:


I have tapered myself off of Celexa over the past month and a half. Immediately after going w/o, I felt frustrated and irritable. I bit off the heads of everyone and tried to be humorous and tell evryone i wasn't medicated. The week of that anxiey ended and now I am consumed with head aches and dizziness. I too feel like my head is going one speed and my eyes or my body is having trouble keeping up. I read online that Melatonin was suppose to help, but i have taken it befor e and I have to go to bed. I already take vitamin B daily. I feel so out of control and depressed about feeling bad...which is the reason i started anti-depressants as in the first place. I had no luck my first attempt to quitting and this second attempt is so hard to handle. If the nausea and headaches would subside, it would make this withdrawal process so much easier! Goodluck to anyone seeking help!

Last changed: September 18, 2003