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Misdiagnosis seroxat

From: [email protected]
Date: 11/09/03
Time: 17:26:54
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I was given seroxat 5 years ago because I was told that I had depression as i kept feeling low at certain times. last year I began to notice that I only felt low around my monthly cycle. I told my gp that I beleive i was suffering from PMT. He dismissed this. I have since seen three gynechologist who have confirmed that I am suffering from sever PMT. My problem is that if they diagnosed me properly five years ago they would have known that I had PMT and not depression and may given me something other than seroxat. I have read that seroxat is sometimes prescribed for PMT but only on the run up to the period and not everyday without a break.

Last year I ended up in a psychiatric unit for one week as i felt suicidal. The doctors told me to go home but I felt so bad that i needed to be around the medical profession so I asked to stay for the week. The following week I came on my monthly.

Before I went into the hospital I had managed to get down to a piece of tablet when I needed it. But at the hospital they told me to start taking seroxat again as I they believe that my body needed it.I therefore ended back on seroxat. I tried to stop the drug three weeks ago and had awful lowness of mood and wonder if this is the drug coming out of my system. I went bacxk to the GP who told me that it was a recurrance of my depression yet I have never felt depressed like this and the depression is extremely differt from before. I am now on 1/3 a day. Has anyone else been misdiagnosed and given seroxa

Last changed: November 19, 2003