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Panic Attacks

From: Julie
Date: 06/09/03
Time: 16:37:02
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I'm sorry to hear that it didn't work for you,do you think that you gave it enough time to kick in.I've suffered myself for 15yrs & it got worse as time went on to way I would wake up in the morning & think how bad is it today,some days I could go to the supermarket incase I had one at the check out.I decided My life was being take over by them & decide I could fight it on my own any more & went to the doctor & I was given the same as you the doctor told me to take half for the first week & then 1 the follow week,he said that it would take 3 weeks to begin to work,I still avoid the thing that triggered the attacks for a good while but things like going to the supermarket were getting better,My worst trigger was signing ie credit cards in front of people,this I did about a year after taking the tablets,I felt nervous but the panic attacks didn't happen.the joy I felt I can't put into words.I had some of the symtoms you had in the begining,but no all & they did disappear after a while,Also when I came off them I had the heady feeling when I cut back down to half of tablet for about a week.when i stop taking to half I had no symtoms.I took the tablets for just over a year & now 2 years later I have not had a full blown panic attack since,I gave worked up some times about what used to trigger them but my life is no my own again & wouldn't hesitate to go back on them again if I needed too.I don't think I will be completely free from PA because I suffered so long,but think that if you can sort this out now you will be free of them for good.I really hope this helps you.I & many others out there understand how you feel.I hid mine from all other than my husband for year incase people looked at me differently at me,But now that I have told people I found that some of them have suffered them selfs & for those who haven't I ask them what there frighten of ie spiders & say well that is what I feel like when I had to sign a credit card.but I could run away screaming I would shake so much I could write properly.Most people understand when you compare it with what there frighten of.I have got a problem with spiders & can pick them up.All the best.I haven't checked spelling on this so sorry for any errors.Julie

Last changed: November 19, 2003