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coming off seroxat

From: shaz
Date: 29/08/03
Time: 15:02:49
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Hi I have just found this website. I have been on seroxat for about 8 years and am now trying to withdraw from it. I was on 30mg per day and managed to get to 10mg, I took many months to do this. I seem to be putting on more weight withdrawing from seroxat. Am the biggest I have ever been and hating myself looking like this. My dr is being very supportive and wants me off seroxat whatever. whilst reducing he gave me propranolol, which helped immensely. I didn't get the head shocks as much or the dizziness when moving my head. This is the methos my dr has now recommended: start with a new bottle of seroxat, take 5ml liquid using a syringe to measure. Then refill the bottle with 5ml of water. Continue this daily until you are actually drinking water. Which takes many, many months. So far, so good, still have some headpain, still being the wife and mother from hell as I have been everytime I have reduced seroxat. I must do it this time!!! Hope this helps. shaz

Last changed: March 28, 2004