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Anyone who can offer advice please!

From: CELEXA WITHDRAWAL - Lingering physical symptoms??
Date: 26/08/03
Time: 15:04:27
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After 7 years of taking different SSRI's, I have been off of Celexa (last SSRI I was prescribed) for a total of 5 months and I still have weird physical things happening.I do not have head spinning dizziness, but a constant off balance/swaying feeling, which lasts for weeks at a time. Also, the right side of my face, ear, eye, and head feel 'odd', like my ear and face feel 'full', and sometimes it feels as if I have a film over my right eye! I went to an Ear, Nose, Throat doc, had tests for inner ear disturbance, etc. and so far everything looks fine. This gets very discouraging, as I certainly did not have any of this until after going off meds! There is actually ONE other girl who posts on here that has similar symptoms to mine. I also have an appointment with a regular doctor next week for a complete check up and blood work. This is insane...I don't want to have to start going through all these tests and doc appointments because I worry something might be dreadfully wrong with me! Any advice or comments would be appreciated. Suzanne

Last changed: August 26, 2003