5.3 YES, a true and fair view?

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From: [email protected]
Date: 25/08/03
Time: 00:12:01
Remote Name:


I have recently been given Stelazine, also for anxiety 1mg twice daily.

Stelazine is an anti-psychotic also used to treat schizophrenia, but in a much higher dosage.

I have been taking this drug for only 5 days, so I don't know it's effect on me. I have though already noticed certain side effects, blured vision being one.

I, also am on beta-blockers, Inderal is mine and they work a treat on palpitations and tremor associated with anxiety.

I have suffered a very long time with anxiety and depression so I can understand other sufferers.

I am about to start a course in CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy), with a good chance my anxiety will be gone or very much greatly reduced.

Thanks for listening and drop me aline if you wish to.

Last changed: August 25, 2003