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Withdrawl from effexor

From: Jim [email protected]
Date: 18/08/03
Time: 16:31:30
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I have had the same difficulty with effexor as you on and of again. Insomnia problems. Chronic Dehydration. Effexor is a strong drug because it works on noroepinephrine a neurotransmitter rasing low blood pressure and serotonin a hormormone found in certain cells that cause muscle contraction and vasoconstriction basically put it is a pill for low blood pressure or someone who is very malnurished ie. depressed it is not meant to take the place of good nutrition check with your doctor about your dietary habits and avoid caffiene sugar and excesive protien in the diet which can cause a hypointensive condition. Have you Ige white blood checked for abnormality it is the storing house for histindine a protien ammio acid found in various food that when the body is confronted with allergens it realease histamine from the histidine and which high levels cause associated mental conditions or anaphalactic shock. Allergic response only most of the time the allergen isnt sean its invisible and causes day in day out tension especially during the summer months the worst time to discontinue effexor. The exact contidition is caused histadellia(high histamine). Its hereditary in which case the body has a failure to make vitamin C(a inherited trait from colder climates) or ascorbic acid or its aquired through lead posioning aluminum posioning copper poisioning folic acid poisoning or through Alchohol and drug addiction. One typically with this disorder goes from hyperthermia to hypothermia in an a manner not necessarily responsive to temperature but to what one eats(sugar and alcohol is worst) or the allergen one is exposed to (get tested it will help some). As for natural ways to help work with doctors to elimate toxins from body through nutritional supplemant therapy and avoid overexertion or exposure in extreme weather conidtions until toxins are eliminated. Spread doeses of effexor out during day. Drink lots of water you may notice more urination becuase body is flushing out some toxins. Make sure water is purified important. Eat vegitarian during the summer and some meat during the winter. Make sure lead, alluminun levels go do down and check for hereitary disorder after that. One indicator is long toes long fingers and brunette or black hair color could be a native american disorder. Avoid all addictive substances in that case. Supplement high levels of Vitamin C. It is basically what they call the alcholosim gene. Many psychiatrists uderstand that it helps people but they dont undestand why people have a hard time getting of the drug. Use caution with this medicine stable blood pressure is a serious thing in the body.

Last changed: August 18, 2003