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Withdrawal from Seroxat

From: Clarinder to Sammie Staniland
Date: 05/08/03
Time: 10:10:29
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Hi Sammie,

I have been on seroxat on and off for 8 years. I am now taking 4.5mls of Deroxat. I was currently taking 1 20mg tablet a day but I am so fed of being dependant on these tablets that in effect delay your feelings and emotions. I became pregnant with twins whilst on these tablets and could not have survived without them. I suffered from depression during the pregnancy. A consultant did a break down on the tablets and said that there was no evidence that these would harm??!!. Of course it is better not to have any dependance on drugs but at the end of the day for me I decided to go ahead and have my babies whilst on seroxat at the end of the day it was choice between seroxat or no babies. I am 29 and do not want to be on this drug for another 50 years. I still have my doubts about the drug and the effects it had on my boys.

Last changed: August 07, 2003