5.3 YES, a true and fair view?

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From: Nerys
Date: 01/08/03
Time: 23:23:35
Remote Name:


I am under no delusion that Cipramil may be addictive HOWEVER Some people DO need to take it! It *IS* a mind-altering drug What do people THINK it was made for? I must question the information that some people's doctors are giving in regard to this drug. If your brain isn't absorbing seritonin as it should be...then YES YOU NEED TO BE ON THE MEDS. Now, people who only take 20 mg or less...I can understand why you might feel that you can "get off" the medication. I take 60mg and I was totally dysfunctional before I started taking this med. I do NOT see getting off of it in the near future, but hope that someday I will feel ready to. I also accept that I may never get off of it. If my brain is malfunctioning that badly without meds...is it suddenly going to start functioning normally - Just because I decide I'm tired of taking the pills? I thought not...

Last changed: August 07, 2003