5.3 YES, a true and fair view?

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From: Jill to Stever
Date: 30/07/03
Time: 13:14:28
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Hi again, sorry to hear that you are feeling a bit depressed at the moment, don't really know what to suggest fortunately I have never really suffered from the depression bit myself but understand only too well the anxiety thing. I also feel it if I have to travel anywhere, buses, trains even cars sometimes, I once had an anxiety attack in a taxi and don't even think about fying!! I do all these things (except flying) but sometimes it's an effort, I have to get the bus to and from work and I have to really concentrate on my breathing till I get to where I'm going. Generally I am not feeling to bad at the moment, not on any meds, gave up on the Cipramil after a week as I felt it didn't suit me. As I've said trying to cope with the anxiety without any meds. At least if you're not on any meds and you feel lousy you know what it is, if you're on the pills you don't know if it's them that's causing it. I'm sure they suit some people, my cousin takes Cipramil, been on it for about 3 years and seems to be OK with it. Wouldn't like to sway you either way as to whether you take it or not, just know I felt awful with it. Have just started yet another diet myself, trying to get in shape, they say the fitter you are the more easier it is to cope with the anxiety etc. But sometimes it's such an effort. Anyway sorry to have rambled on. Hope things get better for you, keep in touch, Jill.

Last changed: August 07, 2003