5.3 YES, a true and fair view?

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From: [email protected]
Date: 29/07/03
Time: 22:08:06
Remote Name:


Hello.I have just read your account.I to suffer from dp/dr also.I feel remote and detached most of the time,when i go out i feel invisible and almost like I`m in the world but but not taking part in it,the world seem separated by a glass wall,which i want to smash to make me feel better but I know I can`t.When people talk to me I feel like I`m not there and this makes me dissociate and is very unpleasant and can make me panic.people look 2 dimensional like a cardboard cut outs and objects seem to glow especially traffic lights and strong colours,fluorescent lights seem to trail on my vision.I have other symptoms like I`m in some kind of arcade game or some disney movie. I have no ambition and no get up and go In feel like some kind of robot and robotic in my functioning,not knowing what I am or who I am,I feel alone isolated and scared even going to the shops is a nightmare,I have just been prescribed cipramil(antidepressant)and a short course of valium which helps a little,but I so much want to feel better,I would like you to respond if you wish so we can chat,hope your feeling OK tonight as well.

Last changed: August 07, 2003