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Advice on Cipramil

From: Allan
Date: 28/07/03
Time: 22:45:49
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I was prescribed Cipramil about 16 months ago, I was also told to take for 6 months. After this time I felt ok and weaned myself off them. 3 months later I couldnt work, I hated it and was very depressed. I sat about the house for a month then found the tablets, I started to take them again. Ive felt really greqt since, and now 6 months later have started my own business. There are draw backs, my digestive system gives me hell ( flatulence and loose motions ) but my memory is starting to improve, thankfully

My family and friends have noticed a big difference but strangely try to get me to stop taking the pills. a friend of mine became suicidal when she firsrt started taking them, so stopped immediatly. I think they react differently for different people, but Ill continue as long as I feel the way I do.I often forget to take them for up to 4 days so just take around 3-4 per week hope this helps

Last changed: August 07, 2003