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Effexor XR Withdrawal

From: MaryAnn
Date: 25/07/03
Time: 23:52:14
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I too was recently diagnosed with Bipolar II Disorder and now needed to have effexor XR discontinued as it may have triggered or increased my hypo-manic episodes. BUT, withdrawal has been terrible. My Doc took me off gradually, and I have not been completely off for over two weeks, and the withdrawal symptoms have not lessened at all. I am so dizzy, confused, (that weird feeling in my head - buzzing??) and have tremendouslt impaired coordination. I am very unpleasant at times too! It just keeps getting worse. I am really scared that I am going to have to go back on it just to get rid of the symptons and this is NOT good. I wrote a letter to Wyeth, but doubt will get a response. Trying to come to terms with Bipolar II Disorder diagnosis, getting myself out of recent troubles "caused" by a manic episode and NOW this is not helping at all. Where does it all end?????

Last changed: November 19, 2003