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Aropax withdrawals- getting better

From: joanne [email protected]
Date: 23/07/03
Time: 04:18:35
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Hi Guys,

I'm now entering my third week since I stopped taking Aropax cold turkey. The "brain shivers" are starting to die down and are being replaced with a migraine. And the eye pressure and dizziness is also starting to die down a little. I know this might sound funny, but I actually don't mind the migraines, as I know that I am getting better. YAH!!!!!

I give it another two weeks and I hope I'll be much better. Thank you to everyone who has replied to me with support and encourage. Much appreciated. And it was also really great to hear that others have succeeded and it kept me going.

My story is that I suffer from panic attacks and anxiety. I have really bad panic attacks, where I can't breath (of I feel I can't) and shake all over the place, heart races, rushes, etc. I sometimes lose vision, and have the general feeling of "I'm going to die".

The anxiety is a constant, tight chest, tight throat, feeling as if my heart is going to explode out of my chest etc etc.

I have suffered from it very mildly all through my life, but last year due to some really sad/bad things happening it just took over my entire life. And I was told to take Aropax.

I have been talking it for 8 months, and recently found out I was pregnant. The doctor told me to stop taking Aropax immediately as it is class C, which means it is a NO NO to take when pregnant. So if YOU are pregnant, stop taking it!!!!!

Then all these head spins, brain freezes, etc started, and I was told it was hormones. I had tried to stop taking Aropax before, and the same symptons occured. When I told my doctor then, I was told it was because I wasn't ready.

So I was very confused. Thank god I found this site!!!! If I hadn't found this site that informed me that what I was suffering from was withdrawals, I don't know what I would have done. Just the thought of living like that for the next 7 months was unbearable!! Let alone the thought of taking aropax for the rest of my life!!!!

So I'm on the road to recovery. Thanks again!!

Last changed: August 07, 2003