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It's a miracle - RE: Clexa withdrawl - electric shocks/

From: Julie
Date: 22/07/03
Time: 01:47:58
Remote Name:


Hi everyone,

I have been on celexa for 2 years and I have tried 2 times to quit celexa.

The first time I quit I did it cold turkey....I thought I was going to die a slow and painful death. Needless to say, cold turkey is an extreamly bad idea for most people.

The second time I tried to quit after my doctor gave me a 30 day prescription for Prozac. She said this would help to "wean" me off Celexa because it sticks in your fatty cells longer. Well it has been 2 weeks and I was feeling great and drug free until the shocks and withdrawl started.

Next step..I went to a chinese herbalist. I did this because Eastern doctors believe that cleansing is important and often medine they will perscribe is cheap and natural. PLEASE TRY THIS...

He gave me

* Triple Leaf Tea (this is the brand name) DETOX tea. * Compound Wuchaseng tablets * and Extractum Astrangali

I have been doing this for 2 days now and I feel much better. I get the occasional shock...but I have energy (thanks to the Extractum Astrangali mostly) and the Wuchaseng tablets offer tranquility and balance to the system while the detox tea helps to wash out that nasty celexa out of your system.

I will keep everyone updated on how I am doing so you know how it is going.

also..I wanted to note that I felt;

*Electric shocks every 15 minutes or less at night mostly *Extreame nausia off and on thought the day *Fatigue (especially in the morning and afternoon)

Sorry for the book..I'll try to be more susinct next time. One last thing..I too have gained 10 lbs in the celexa journey.

Last changed: November 19, 2003