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Article 2562

From: Richard
Date: 21/07/03
Time: 20:24:02
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And I thought it was just me that this happened to.

I have been on citalapram (ciprimil) for 9 months or so. I moved from 20mg up to 60mg and it really has helped support me on that level for 7 months+. I then slowly reduced it down to 20mg and that was OK. I did that over 7 weeks or so and had not noticeable affects of a negative kind.

Then at the weekend I skipped a day and a half to see what it would be like for a weekend without the drug. I began to get more intrusive thoughts again and paranoid type thoughts. I began to feel dizzy and sick. I went back on the citalopram and I still feel very agitated and do not want to be around people. I am taking a few days off work because I do not want to put myself around stress in this state. I have taken 40mg today as a one off measure and will go back on 20mg for a period to get stability again. Is there any need for me to come off the 20mg doze though? I went to my doctor today and he says 20mg is a low dose and to not rush to come off at all because that can lead to needing to go back on at a higher dose.

BUT if it was not for the citalopram then I'd not have made the progress I have over the last 9 months or so. It has allowed me a more stabilised time (not totally stabilised) in which to work at things with a counsellor and use my journal.

The agitation I have today and yesterday reminds me of the agitation I had before I went on the citalopram. So, all in all it shows that the citalopram helps; and to reduce further will be quite a task - IF indeed it is necessary at all. BECAUSE maybe the citalopram just balances me. It is not doing me any harm - few, if any side effects.

Sincerely, Richard

Last changed: August 07, 2003