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seroxat / paroxetine / cannabis

From: Mike
Date: 15/07/03
Time: 23:38:19
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I have found it comforting to read that others have shared my symptoms, and that it was not just all in my head.

I was prescribed seroxat around two and a half years ago. I found that I became nauseous and tired after a few days and found it very difficult to concentrate. It felt as if my head was hot and stuffed with cotton wool. After about 2 weeks I decided to stop taking the drug as I felt that it was not helping. Soon afterwards I started to experience what people have described as 'electric head'. At the time I had no idea that this was caused by withdrawing from the drug. I experienced a sensation of fuzziness inside my head and in front of my vision, which felt like crackling electricity. At the same time, I would actually see the fuzziness and very faint colours like purple and blue.

When I decided that seroxat was not helping and widthdrew from the treatment, I found it very difficult to stop taking the drug, the symptoms I have described became considerably worse. I started to take the drug again after a day and a half of widthdrawal. After another week of taking seroxat, the symptoms had worsened still, and I finally managed to stop taking the drug. I suffered from these symptoms for weeks afterwards.

I would also like to mention this: Several months after withdrawal, I was smoking cannabis with my friends, and after about 5 minutes I started to experience some of the most intense 'electric head' like symptoms. I felt an electric crackling feeling in my head like I had felt months before but only many times worse. Later on I was experiencing hallucinations where I could see bolts of electricity coming from the sky. I also experienced a grinding / crushing sensation in my head where I would see an intense blue colour. The sensation would climax occasionally with an electric shock sensation which would make me grimace as if in pain.

This was one of the most disturbing experiences of my life and I suffered from flashbacks for many months. I am writing this to warn people who are, or who have taken seroxat to avoid all recreational drug use for a considerably long time after finishing the treatment, if not for the rest of your life.

I feel this has to be said as doctors do not consider that you will ever be taking illicit substances when they prescribe you a drug.

It also seems fitting to mention that in my experience, cannabis can cause depression and symptoms of paranoia in people who are susceptible to depression, having smoked occasionally for many years. It is best to avoid it if you are susceptible to such health problems, and if you do smoke anyway, it is very important to be aware of how you are affected.

If anyone else has experienced anything similar I would be interested to hear on this forum.

Last changed: August 07, 2003