5.3 YES, a true and fair view?

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Confused and  speechless

Date: 14/07/03
Time: 11:56:21
Remote Name:


not a sufferer of depression or anxiety myself simply a psychology student and friend of a person who is currently trying to come off paroxetine(seroxat). Over the past week or so i have been researching this drug reading stories looking at the panorama video of the programme on seroxat and i have found things that have both confused me and made me speechless e.g. nightmare like stories of vioence and side effects but also stories of very happy people who have been helped so much by the drug i no longer no what to think my preconceptions of the drug were quite negative due to the experiences of my friend and still i cannot understand why there has been no real resarch into the drug and no evidence to either support or argue its use i still have a negative view of the drug possible more so than before my research this mainly being because the gaping hole in the research is evidence that shows seroxat is succesful (by the way if anyone can help with this plz do) i just want to say that my heart really goes out to all the ppl suffering at the hands of seroxat and that i have been really touched by some of your stories i think it is truly awful that anyone should be prescribed something with the potential to cause such suffering and often suicidal thoughts, i guess i just wanted to say good luck to u all i wish you the best for the future and keep trying u can all pull through its a drug a manmade drug u r a being useful loving and with a mind of your own despite your illnesses or problems

Last changed: August 07, 2003