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For Steve

From: Jill
Date: 10/07/03
Time: 13:45:58
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Hi again, do you know what kicked off your anxiety problems, not that it always makes it any easier to cope with. I put it down to a particularly stressful time I was having at work at the time but I'm not sure if that was really the cause and whether it would have happened anyway, maybe it's an age thing, I was 38 at the time. Prior to that I'd been the life and soul of the party type, always game for a laugh. It hit me like a bus when it first started, now I guess I've just got used to it and try to take each day as it comes and really make the most of the good ones. I'm not too bad at the moment though, but believe me I've had long spells when I've been unable to work for weeks on end - do you work? What I find is I never seem to see it coming on again, I think I'm just plodding along nicely and then it hits me again and I wasn't ready for it and then you think where the hell did that come from. Socially I feel more withdrawn these days and have to consider more if I am going anywhere like how will I get there, will it be crowded etc. Supermarkets are also a bit of a nightmare, I just get in and out as quickly as I can. I know what you mean about obsessing a bit about the breathing thing. I think anxiety has alot of weird symptoms and I think whichever you are experiencing at any one time that is the worst then you do obsess about it a bit. I had a time some years ago when I was suffering from vertigo and feelings of being off balance - it turned out to be some beta blockers that was causing it, but anyway for ages my whole life seemed to revolve around this feeling that I was going to fall over. Once they took me off the tablets it stopped and I was right as rain again. Anyway I hope things work out for you, do you have good friends to talk to, I find talking about it helps alot. Regards. Jill.

Last changed: August 07, 2003