5.3 YES, a true and fair view?

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From: steve to gill.
Date: 10/07/03
Time: 12:30:49
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Hi gill, just the word "anxiety" reminds me of that horrible emotional and physical grinding it brings when you are suffering from it. I have had it for around six yrs now, along with depression. Some days i can manage with it, other days i have to simply go to my room and have a lie down and play some relaxing music in order to calm it away, sometimes it becomes that bad i actually think i'm just going to drop dead, which i sometimes reason with myself might actually be a relief. i also feel i may go mad with it on other days. When i do get these bad days i try and spend time using diversion tactics, in which i try to focus on something usually something tech, like maths or electronics...etc...i find this sometimes helps. Also i find that when i am in these bad days, if i get a note-pad and just write down exactly how i'm feeling at that moment, it usually helps whenever i get the same feelings in the future, it just reminds you when you read your notes that today is no different from any other,you have actually been down this road before, it's no different, it's just another episode..just helps to fight that horrible feeling of.."this is it..this is the final straw...iv'e never been this bad..."...etc...in fact, there is realistically only so much it can throw at you...at the end of the day, we are simply dealing with dysfunctional emotions, which are fed on the fear of feeling this way...try and accept it as just a part of you, don't cringe from it,don't dread it...try not give it any thought, i know it is hard at the moment but when you can except these feelings as just episodes of emotioal dysfunction fuelled by the continual fear of experiencing the same..it does help to deal with it all. There is no great mystery going on here, it is all fully understanable, and the road to recovery is on the other side of acceptance, once we accept it,it removes the fear. once we remove the fear out of anxiety..our tollerance levels become greater...eventually, we no longer have the same reactions to lifes stessors and our own negative thinking patterns which we constantly overwhelm ourselves with. I hope you take in what i have said and hope it may help you in some way...good look steve. Just a couple of other things, drinking alcohol and anxiety don't mix...avoid it....also i find that getting some drawing paper and some bright colours and simply allowing my mind to drift and draw and colour in without thinking about it, helps to relieve anxiety a great deal. good luck

Last changed: August 07, 2003