5.3 YES, a true and fair view?

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Re: Fair

From: Suzyw
Date: 27/06/03
Time: 16:03:42
Remote Name:


Everyone's experience is different. Obviously we all found our way here for a reason, though. I consider myself to be a pretty intelligent person and you'd better believe that I researched before I decided to take meds. Sure the inserts mention possible side effects, but the actual population of people sampled is very small (and I wonder how controlled), for starters. For example, the percentage they list of people who suffer sexual side effects is very small and I think we all know on here that is far from the truth....there are too many of us out here! I am very grateful for how "good" I felt while I was on them.I felt like they saved my life at the time. But, I have to question whether it was a false sense of well-being. Also, I went to several very reputable doctors and I am sorry...they are not informed, they're just not! That would be my psychiatrist, my OB/GYN, my therapist, GP, etc. Nothing anyone told me or that I read prepared me for the nightmare of withdrawal. I didn't experience such rotten physical side effects when I was taking the darn things! And as far as what I am going through mentally, I don't even want to go there right now.Don't be so judgemental....there are a few hundred people on here and I find it hard to believe we ALL went to quacks. I think the docs, as well as the patients were/are mislead about these drugs and perhaps we are just now having a breakthrough of information as to the truth. Suzannah recommended a good book titled "Your Drug May Be Your Problem", by Dr. Peter Breggin. I also read "The Antidepressant Fact Book", written by him as well. Shows you how controlled by these huge pharmaceutical companies we really are and that we are not alone. I don't know how comforting that last thought is, as I wouldn't wish this on ANYONE.

Last changed: August 07, 2003