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effexor XR AAAGHH!!

From: Nicole
Date: 27/06/03
Time: 07:53:03
Remote Name:


I need someplace to rant for awhile, maybe it'll even help somebody out (what a novel concept..)

I want to murder my psychiatrist for putting me on this nightmare drug.

2 years ago, after a few years of jumping from one medication to another to another, he came up with the bright idea of putting me on Effexor. Having just kicked heroin, i was a little cooncerned about becoming dependent on effexor, so I ask him, "is it addictive?" he says "No, it's a very safe drug"

could've said YES, or "I don't know" but instead he tells me it's perfectly safe. And now here i am 2 years later going through the bloody withdrawal symptoms!! At first I thought i was just sick or something then took a look on the web, lo and behold, THOUSANDS of pages on withdrawal symptoms and long-term effects and all kinds of other lovely little nasties.

vertigo, nausea, disorientation, dizziness, "slush-brain," vivid nightmares that don't end when you wake up, anxiety attacks, fever, cold sweats, seeing trails on anything that moves and don't get me started on the feeling of being watched...it's not the worst hell I've been through though...

It's #2, and that's still pretty bad...

my words of wisdom, don't take this stuff unless you're 100% sure that you need it...make it your last resort

Last changed: August 07, 2003