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Better - but numbed

From: Barry
Date: 24/06/03
Time: 15:02:39
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I have suffered from severe depression for many uyears, and for many years was led to believe it was not a medical or a head thing, but just me being to sensitive, and 'deep thinking' about everything. I have had a lot of better advice in more recent years. I have been taking Cipramil for some time now, and as anoverall I would have to say I am better for it. The upside is I don't go to sleep everynight hoping that I never wake up anymore. In fact I usually feell quite good, even 'normal' (whatever that is), I think. The downside is that I don't have any 'real feelings' or emotions. I don't feel a lot of things that I used to before medication. The high highs, and low lows that used to be weekly routines fo me for as long as I can remember on the bipolar rollercoaster, are gone... Though I wouldn't wish for them back, I do wonder if I should have any change from what feels like a comparatively "zombied" state.. While it's not ideal, it is still better than the alternative (without mediaction).


Last changed: August 07, 2003