5.3 YES, a true and fair view?

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From: tricia
Date: 19/06/03
Time: 14:55:14
Remote Name:


I had efexor 37.5mg given to me for a month for hot flushes and menopausal symptoms - they did not work!!! I was told to come off by my gp on a gradual basis. I did it by cutting them up 3/4/ 1/2 - 1/4 and now I am off - and the hell has stated in real force I have been off for 5 days and have not been able to go to work. I was not told I would have these side effects. I have read most of the letters from you all and can see it is going to be a difficult time. I just hope that mine does not last that long my sympathies go to you all as I know what you are going through. These drug companies should not be allowed to fool our doctors like this. I do not believe my doctor would have presribed these for me had he known. When I go back next week HE WILL BE INFORMED OF HOW I FEEL !!!!!!

Last changed: November 19, 2003