MHRA-LOGO.gif (6825 bytes) Medicines and Healthcare products
Regulatory Agency

Market Towers
1 Nine Elms Lane, London SW8 5NQ


Mr Charles Medawar
Social Audit Ltd
P.O. Box 111
London NW1 8XG

General enquiries

Telephone 020 7273 0000  Fax 020 7273 0353
E-mail [email protected]


13 May 2004 

Dear Mr Medawar,

I am writing in response to your letter dated 10 May 2004.

My letter dated 6 May 2004 was no mistake. All stakeholders were thanked for their contributions to the Review of Access to the Yellow Card Scheme.

During the Review a number of key stakeholders, including yourself and Dr Herxheimer, were identified as having a specific interest in the Review, which is why you were invited to present your views orally to the Steering Committee. All the responses received to the consultation exercise and the meetings held with key stakeholders were used to inform the report of the Review.

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) acknowledges that the results of patient reporting via NHS Direct were disappointing but this was, after all, a pilot set up to determine how successful this method of reporting might be. The Agency is aware that there is a common view that direct patient reporting would give a better picture of the patient experience and the Review highlighted that almost all stakeholders agreed with this. That is why the Government has taken this initiative forward immediately.

The Review was independent of the Agency and it was the Steering Committee led by Dr Jeremy Metters who produced the report of the Review - it was not for the Agency to decide what should be specifically referenced in the Report.

I know you have written separately about the material on the tvIHRA website and so will not respond to that issue in this letter.

Finally, the consultation exercise on the Recommendations in the Report of the Review is now underway and the MHRA would very much welcome any response you might wish to make. These should be sent to me at the above address or via email by 28 July 2004.

Yours sincerely

Amanda Lawrence
Policy Advisor & Reclassification Manager